Her Justice Provides the Low Income Women of New York City Legal Advice and Representation – NYC Independent Press

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Abuse and poverty. The majority of them are low-income mothers who are from other countries and have children to help and care for. The following are Her Justice’s programs:
Child-Related Services

Child support orders can be a lifeline for many mothers who are raising the children of their own. They assist them in attain financially stable. The orders are made by family courts in the system of civil justice. In the month of March in 2021 Her Justice published their first policy report titled “Towards Justice for Parents in Child Support Courts.” The report was developed over two years when the 89 participants observed 797 child support cases throughout New York. The following is what they learned:

Concerning those who brought cases:

85 percent of petitioning parents appeared before the court without representation. Eighty percent of parents that responded to petitions were not represented by an attorney at their side. 74% of petitioners were mothers. 71% of respondents were fathers. An estimated 12% of respondents as well as 12% of respondents had interpreters.

The report showed the following:

55 % of the 797 cases which were observed were adjourned. 28% of those had to be adjourned because of improper or non-production of the documents that provided the initial notice of the matter. 25% were adjourned for lack of documentation. they were unable to produce the financial documentation. Court watchers determined that legal representation could have been beneficial in 52% of cases. 14.3 percent of the cases that were observed were dismissed. The remaining 3% had to be dismissed because the petitioner employed an attorney.

Petitioners who were desperate to see results suffered loss when adjourned proceedings were rejected. The petitioners wasted the entire day with no progress in their cases. The situation got more complicated when the epidemic hit. Parents were forced to wait for months to receive the necessary child support.

Our team has 28 years of experience in helping women overcome obstacles


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