Can You Get a Fixed Rate on Heating Oil in Rochester? – Rochester NY Newspapers

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ity. In spite of the calls for reducing the cost of heating oil are not being heeded. However, heating oil providers also have an alibi of just why they’re charging more. In fact, the decrease in heating oil availability is the reason they are charging so much. Policies of the government do not encourage business. They have only one option, which is to increase prices for heating oil.

Heating oil is currently priced at five dollars per gallon. That is almost a 10% increase over the previous year. This has significantly raised the cost of living. A lot of homeowners are no longer buying at a fixed rate, as witnessed before the price hike. However, there is still some light at the other end. This is about wishing that this product will be immediately available for heating oil suppliers. They want to see those bureaucratic hurdles they face that hamper their work. This could help reduce the cost of oil to heat homes. The homeowners will be forced to deal with the high prices until the end of the year. The time is now to consider the priorities. woyaq1h8m5.

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